For immediate assistance, contact us at (832) 548 5221 with questions about testing, treatment and referrals.

Follow the Pathway to a Cure

What is HEP C?

HEP C is an infectious blood-borne disease caused by a virus that infects the liver. HEP C typically produces mild or no symptoms during the early stages, many people are unaware they are infected until liver damage shows up—sometimes decades later—during a routine medical test.

Chronic HEP infection can cause other serious health problems, such as cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. However, with recent advances in HEP C treatment we now have higher cure rates, shorter treatment times, and all-oral treatment regimens for most people.

You may be at risk for Hep C if you were or are:

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  • Born between 1945-1965 (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a one time screening for all baby boomers.)
  • Currently or formerly a drug user who used needles to inject, even once, in the past.
  • HIV positive
  • Engaged in sexual activity with a person who has chronic HEP C
  • A recipient of blood filtered by a machine (hemodialysis)
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  • A recipient of a blood transfusion or organ transplant from a donor before July 1992
  • Treated for a bleeding disorder (such as hemophilia) before 1987
  • Previously or currently a health care worker exposed to blood through a needle stick or had contact with blood or bodily fluids
  • A recipient of abnormal liver tests

What is the treatment for HEP C?

With proper medical treatment, HEP C can be cured through a multi-step process with your provider.

Legacy offers on site assistance through a patient navigator to understand your treatment options and your path to a HEP C cure.


For immediate assistance, contact us at (832) 548 5221 with questions about testing, treatment and referrals.