Pictured left to right: Graham Maio (organizer and POP+), Venita Ray (Legacy Policy Manager), Levi Says (singer and participant), Marnina L. Miller (organizer and POP+), Nathan Mackey (participant and POP+), and Ian Haddock (PrEP advocate/participant)
Although new HIV diagnoses are decreasing in the US, young African American gay and bisexual men are testing positive at a higher rate than other groups. Stigma, homophobia and discrimination are among the socio-economic factors affecting HIV transmission rates.Houston-area HIV advocates hosted “Let’s Talk About Sex: The Millennial Takeover” to encourage open, frank conversations about HIV and sex among the 18-35 year old age group.
Attendees watched a skit on how to disclose an HIV+ status, learned about how PrEP medication can reduce HIV transmission, and participated in a candlelight ceremony to remember those who’ve died from AIDS-related complications. The event, held in conjunction with National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day, included members of Legacy’s Positive Organizing Project (POP+), the Positive Women’s Network and AIDS Foundation Houston. |