Southwest and Baker Ripley Update
Construction is still ongoing on Hillcroft Avenue. Please allow extra travel time to appointments and find parking. Call (832) 548 5000 with questions.
Construction is still ongoing on Hillcroft Avenue. Please allow extra travel time to appointments and find parking. Call (832) 548 5000 with questions.
The following Legacy Community Health clinics will open during normal business hours on Monday, July 15. ALL OTHER LOCATIONS WILL BE CLOSED Our staff will be calling any affected patients to reschedule appointments. Established patients with MyChart may schedule/reschedule appointments online via the LegacyOne and MyChart apps. You may also call (832) 548-5000 during normal business hours. If you feel you could have a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you are able. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The safety of our patients and staff is our priority. ________________________________ Las siguientes clínicas de Legacy Community Health abrirán en horario normal el lunes 15 de julio. TODAS LAS DEMÁS LOCALIDADES PERMANECERÁN CERRADAS Nuestro personal llamará a los pacientes afectados para reprogramar las citas. Los pacientes registrados con MyChart pueden programar / reprogramar citas en línea a través de las aplicaciones LegacyOne y MyChart. También puede llamar al (832) 548-5000 durante el horario normal de atención. Si usted siente que podría tener una emergencia médica, por favor llame al 911 inmediatamente o vaya a la sala de emergencias más cercana si puede. Lamentamos las molestias que esto pueda ocasionarle. La seguridad de nuestros pacientes y del personal es nuestra prioridad.
If you would like your medications delivered, please follow one of the two options: Please text “YES” to the number of the pharmacy you prefer below. Please call the pharmacy of your choice below.