Category Archives: Pediatrics

Text Messaging Allows Expectant Mothers to Stay Ahead of Their Pregnancy

We just read this and wanted to pass along. From Kaiser Health News: Free text-messaging service for pregnant women Health advocates say it’s important to tailor digital health technologies to lower-income people not only to be fair, but because they’re more likely to have chronic illnesses, like diabetes, that are expensive to treat…For now, experiments …

Public Health Takes Back Seat to Partisan Politics on Zika

The biggest health care battle in D.C. has now officially become a stalemate. Badly needed legislation providing states the funding they need to wrestle down the Zika virus failed yesterday.

Healthy Lifestyles Pilot Program

Recently, The Legacy Community Health Bissonnet clinic completed a three-month Healthy Lifestyles pilot program for children, a first of its kind at Legacy. The goal of the program was to educate families of our young at-risk patients about the disease process of obesity and how to make sustainable changes in their nutritional behaviors and physical activity.

The Pulse: Transgender Policies in Schools

The public debate regarding transgender health continues with a focus on youth and schools. This week’s episode features a number of stories and interviews with people directly connected to supporting transgender health. In one of those interviews, we are joined by Dr. Jennifer Feldmann, a pediatrician specializing in transgender care at Legacy Community Health, to expand upon her previous …

As Battle over Transgender Bathroom Policy Rages, Legacy Warns of Mental Health Consequences

All Gender Restroom Sign

Top Texas doctor specializing in transgender care: ‘I don’t want my patients pushed into even higher-risk categories.’

Autism Disorder: What to Know

Autism Spectrum Houston TX

Autism spectrum disorder is a lack of social interaction, combined with problems in communication, speech and non-verbal means, as well as problems with needing things to be routinized—expressing order, sameness or routines as part of their daily structure.