Category Archives: Exercise

February and Heart Health

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Updated: Feb. 5, 2021 February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Fortunately, education and prevention efforts can prevent up to 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events. The COVID-19 pandemic has overshadowed this year’s heart health observance. Since …

National Men’s Health Week: Getting Men to see their Doctors

Legacy’s Drs. Larry Caesar and Mark Levine discuss why men need to stop skipping their doctor visits This week is National Men’s Health Week and we’re using the observance to encourage men to take steps to better health. The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early …

Defeating Diabetes Month: How to Reduce Your Risk

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate The month of April has been designated Defeat Diabetes Month. This year, with most of us focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important to remember how dangerous diabetes can be. In fact, chronic conditions like diabetes, can make people more vulnerable to infections, leading to serious consequences. According …

Houston Chronicle ‘Top Fitness Instructor’ on tackling resolutions

Legacy’s own Felicia Sexton was recently named among the Top Fitness Instructors in Houston by the Houston Chronicle. If fitness is on your resolution list, Sexton has some advice. By Barrett White   It’s that time of year again! New year, new decade – if you entered 2020 with an urge to take on fitness …

Surviving the Holiday Eating Season

By Sean Barrett, Registered Dietitian Beginning with Halloween all the way through New Year’s Day, ‘tis the season for holiday eating. This time of year provides us with many opportunities to gather with family, friends or co-workers and most of these gatherings revolve around food. The holiday food environment can be especially daunting to patients …

Physical activity: why it’s important to get your kids moving more

By  Carolina Boyd Texas children are falling behind when it comes to physical activity. A recent report by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 60 minutes or more of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for young people between the ages of 6-to-17. Unfortunately, 78.4% of Texas’ youths are not meeting that guideline. Childhood and …

Build Your Body: Legacy’s Felicia Lee-Sexton on Building Confidence

People living with HIV may find it difficult to keep muscle mass. Transgender individuals often look to build a physique to match their gender. Enter Legacy’s Body Positive program. By Barrett White   For those living with HIV and struggling with wasting, or those in transition who are looking to form their bodies to match …

Lessons learned along the journey from discovery to recovery

Legacy Community Health’s Wellness Manager Felicia Lee-Sexton overcame a cocaine addiction to become a world-renowned fitness expert and award-winning body builder. Now she utilizes her experience to help Legacy patients with diabetes, eating disorders, HIV and gender care needs at our Body Positive Wellness Center—a free service for our patients. If you’re a Legacy patient …

Local, Free, and Fun: Summer destinations to get the family off the couch

By Barrett White Over the summer months when the kids are out of school and the stress of homework, exams, and class projects fades into memory, it’s easy to let the body relax with the mind. It’s often joked that Houston is “the most air conditioned city in the world”, and with good reason—the average …

Summer’s Coming—Is Your Skin Ready?

By Barrett White The temperature in Houston has been pushing 80 degrees the past couple of weekends and pollen is officially blanketing every outdoor flat surface in sight. Spring is here—but knowing Houston weather, this means summer is not far behind. As the sun-lovers emerge from their homes and make their way to the plethora …

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