Tag Archives: Geriatrics

Consejos de Seguridad para Adultos Mayores en Clima Frío

El clima invernal puede representar serios riesgos para las personas mayores, desde la hipotermia hasta caídas y otros desafíos de salud. Debido a factores relacionados con la edad, como una circulación reducida o condiciones de enfermedades crónicas, las personas mayores son particularmente vulnerables durante los meses fríos. La planificación proactiva es clave para mantenerse seguro …

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Winter weather can pose serious risks for seniors, from hypothermia to falls and other health challenges. Seniors are particularly vulnerable during the colder months due to age-related factors such as reduced circulation or chronic health conditions. Proactive planning is key to staying safe and healthy during the season. Caregivers also play an essential role in …

How to Spot Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects millions of individuals and their families worldwide, reshaping the lives of those it touches in deeply personal ways. What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that gradually impairs memory, thinking, and behavior to the point that it interferes with daily life. It’s believed to …

What are the health benefits of a board game night?

Board Game Health Benefits

Unplugging and enjoying a good card or board game could come with mental and social benefits. By Barrett White Board game sales are up and it’s easy to see why. More and more, people are unplugging and enjoying the familiar comforts of tabletop board games. As we break into 2023, it only becomes clearer each …

September 18 is HIV and Aging Awareness Day

Aging With HIV

By Barrett White According to the 2020 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Annual Client-Level Data Report, 47.9 percent of RWHAP clients are aged 50 and older.   People living with HIV are getting older. That’s fantastic news – this means that HIV suppression methods are working, and that those living with HIV are living longer lives, …

Defeat Diabetes Month: A Look at Diabetes and Aging

Diabetes Care Center Houston

By Dr. Joanna Ira, Geriatrician at Legacy Stafford Fountains Clinic Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. April has been declared Defeat Diabetes Month to raise awareness about the impact of the disease among our nation’s aging population. According to the American Diabetes Association, a quarter of Americans over the …

How might the Delta variant impact seniors?

By Barrett White Most seniors have received at least one dose of the vaccine.   While headlines may be discouraging, we cannot give up hope. The Delta variant is restarting fear of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and over the last year and a half, guidelines have changed from “guidelines for everyone” to “guidelines for the …

Safely Enjoying Spring Weather

As the weather continues to warm up, our ageing community can keep active and healthy by soaking up the sun – or not! By Barrett White   After a particularly difficult winter season here in southeast Texas, a fresh breath of spring air is a welcome change! It’s also the perfect opportunity to get some …

Staying Hydrated as Texas Warms Back Up

Adults ages 65 and up have the highest hospital admission rates for dehydration. By Barrett White   Texas is warming back up and we all know what that means: high temperatures and humidity are on their way to the Gulf Coast region. As the temperatures begin to climb back up, it’s important to remember that …

Understanding Medicine Management

Medications are a part of ageing. But management of medications doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. By Barrett White   Medication management is the practice of properly administering medications to a patient or to oneself. In some instances, a caregiver will administer medications to a patient or a resident in a senior living facility. …