Tag Archives: Insurance

Nuevos Cambios en Medicaid que benefician a las madres de Texas

Texas extenderá la cobertura para madres actuales y nuevas hasta 12 meses después del parto a partir del 1 de marzo. Por Ashley Guidry, Asociada de Comunicación En enero de 2024, los Centros Federales de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) aprobaron el plan de Texas para proporcionar 12 meses de cobertura de atención médica …

New Medicaid Changes that Help Texas Mothers

Texas will extend coverage for current and new moms for up to 12 months post-pregnancy beginning March 1st. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In January 2024, the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Texas’ plan to provide 12 months of postpartum health care coverage. Previously, coverage lasted two months but, with the …

Are you enrolled for 2021 ACA coverage?

Enrollment for 2021 runs from November 1, 2020 until December 15, 2020. By Barrett White   Are you one of the millions of Americans to access health care through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare? The marketplace enrollment began on November 1 and will work like it has in previous years. The …

Lack of affordable housing hurting health of Texas children

By Jenny Deam, Houston Chronicle Reporter A majority of poor children in Texas live in families where more than half of the household income goes to housing, straining budgets and creating a ripple effect that ultimately damages their health, a new national study found. This often unseen poverty has far-reaching and interconnected consequences as families …

The Texas Legislature is now open for official business

Legacy Community Health Policy Agenda

By Barrett White   Both inside and outside the halls of government, Legacy’s public affairs practice moves public policy at the state and federal levels to improve the lives of the patients and communities we serve. Today marks the beginning of the 86th Texas legislature—this session, Legacy will be tackling topics at the state and …

Have You Enrolled in Marketplace Insurance for 2019? Deadline is tomorrow (Saturday)

By Barrett White Have you signed up for health insurance for 2019 through the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) yet? December 15 is the last day to enroll in a health care plan on the marketplace.   Marketplace insurance is for those who don’t already have insurance through their employer, Medicaid, Medicare, or the Children’s Health …

Millennials Are Ditching the Primary Care Doctor

By Barrett White Millennials, the generation born roughly between the late 1980s and new millennia, are not kids anymore. As young adults however, a trend has emerged among them suggesting that many millennials without a chronic condition are opting not to stick with their family’s primary care physician. Every generation has evaded primary care in …

Legacy Community Health Kicks Off ACA Enrollment Campaign

Legacy Community Health, the largest community health center in Texas, is launching a radio and digital advertising campaign to enroll Houstonians into the health insurance marketplace established under the Affordable Care Act. Enrollment begins November 1 and runs through December 15. Plans, which can now be previewed at healthcare.gov, begin in January 2019. “It’s inevitable …

Obamacare Enrollment for 2019 is approaching: What’s changed and what’s new

By Barrett White Are you ready to sign up for health insurance made possible by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare? The marketplace enrollment begins on November 1 and will work like it has in previous years. The period will be 45 days, leaving you with little time to decide on your healthcare …

Big Week in Health Care if You Have a Pre-Existing Medical Condition

The Affordable Care Act, despite its flaws, has provided millions of Americans who have a pre-existing medical condition like cancer, asthma, or Alzheimer’s insurance coverage. But there’s a question as to whether those insurance protections will continue.