Tag Archives: adult medicine

What is causing the dramatic syphilis rise in Houston?

Dr. Rubina Joseph did an excellent job on her first live TV interview sharing her expertise on the rise in STD cases. Call (832) 548-5000 to get tested!

Welcome to AmeriCorps!

Since the 1960s, AmeriCorps has dedicated their resources to individuals, families and communities in need. Once known as the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), AmeriCorps received its name in 1993. AmeriCorps specializes in bringing diverse Americans together to help those in need. Focusing on senior care, taking care of the environment, and protecting …

When the Sun Brings SADness

Feeling SAD this summer? Allow us to shed some light on this lesser-known disorder. by Ashley Guidry Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a major depressive disorder, mania or hypomania with a seasonal pattern. Regular depression affects 1 in 5 American citizens. SAD, however, on a much smaller scale affects about 5 percent of adults. It …

Sickle Cell Awareness

Monday, June 19th was Sickle Cell Awareness Day. Take the time to learn more about this blood disorder and how it affects people in their day-to-day life. by Ashley Guidry According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sickle cell disease affects approximately 100,000 Americans. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic condition …

Put Out Mommy Burnout!

Moms may seem like they have it all together, but they may need more help than you know! By Ashley Guidry Mother’s Day has come and gone, but we never stop caring for our mothers. For this Mental Health Awareness month, let’s break down what current moms can do to prevent burnout. Mommy burnout is …

How does your immune system work?

What’s going on inside our bodies that protects us from sickness? By Barrett White Your body has a special defense inside it. Like an army that exists just to protect you! Existing microscopically inside you, this small-but-mighty army is your immune system. Your immune system exists to protect you from outside threats, like bacteria, viruses, …

Overcoming burnout: Tips for work and school

How not to dread your next meeting or lecture. By Barrett White Heavy workloads, deadlines, screen time, pressure, and stress – these are all typical challenges of work and school. But for these challenges to push you to the point of burnout is a problem. But what is burnout? Aside from stress, the Harvard Business …

Your rest days are just as important as your reps

Recovery can boost overall performance, while overuse can lead to injury. By Barrett White Whether you’re new to the gym or you’re a seasoned athlete, rest days are crucial to allow your body time to repair and benefit from the work you put into it. Resting is necessary for performance, muscle growth, and preventing fatigue …

Feeling Green? Listen to Your Gut!

Stomach pains making you feel yucky? Paying attention to your gut could turn your frown upside down. by Dr. Amelia Averyt What exactly is abdominal pain? Your abdomen houses your stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small/large intestines, and blood vessels among other connective tissues that keep these organs in place and oriented correctly. The abdomen and …

Why your sleep schedule is important for your health

What is sleep and why do we need it? By Barrett White For adults ages 18-64, roughly 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night are necessary for proper bodily and cognitive function. Adults who get fewer hours of sleep per night on a regular basis may risk mood shifts and cognitive decline, like experiencing …