Category Archives: Family Medicine

Have you checked out your library?

Need a place to study or learn a new skill? Your local libraries got you covered! By Ashley Guidry Now more than ever reading has proven essential to our education and overall health. Volunteers with Legacy’s Little Readers have learned low literacy among patients is tied to low health knowledge and less use of preventative …

How can you celebrate Earth Day?

‘If our cities don’t work, America won’t work.’ – Senator Gaylord Nelson On April 22nd, 1970, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson asked Americans to join him in a grassroots demonstration. Concerned about oil spills and increased air pollution, Senator Nelson encouraged Americans to spread awareness about the negative impact we had on our environment. About 20 …

Your rest days are just as important as your reps

Recovery can boost overall performance, while overuse can lead to injury. By Barrett White Whether you’re new to the gym or you’re a seasoned athlete, rest days are crucial to allow your body time to repair and benefit from the work you put into it. Resting is necessary for performance, muscle growth, and preventing fatigue …

Feeling Green? Listen to Your Gut!

Stomach pains making you feel yucky? Paying attention to your gut could turn your frown upside down. by Dr. Amelia Averyt What exactly is abdominal pain? Your abdomen houses your stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small/large intestines, and blood vessels among other connective tissues that keep these organs in place and oriented correctly. The abdomen and …

Why your sleep schedule is important for your health

What is sleep and why do we need it? By Barrett White For adults ages 18-64, roughly 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night are necessary for proper bodily and cognitive function. Adults who get fewer hours of sleep per night on a regular basis may risk mood shifts and cognitive decline, like experiencing …

Got Milk: Alternatives?

Losing taste for cow’s milk? Here are a few alternatives approved by Legacy dieticians. by Ashley Guidry For centuries, cow’s milk has been used in many cultures. Milk is the source of all dairy products and contains almost every single nutrient our body needs. This includes water, carbs, sugar, and a rich source of protein. …

Your favorite comfort foods with a healthy twist

Food has a deep connection to culture. Beyond that, sometimes it just makes you feel good! By Barrett White We didn’t give certain dishes the name “comfort foods” for nothing. It’s food that has deep emotional ties to you: Maybe the dish has cultural significance It reminds you of your childhood, or otherwise simpler times …

Get connected to your community!

Both Legacy and the City of Houston are sponsoring community events this spring. By Barrett White Throughout February and into the springtime months, Legacy will be hosting our own community events, as will the City of Houston. With the season just a couple months ahead, so what better time to start penciling fun community events …

Can watching sports put you in time-out?

By Ashley Guidry In honor of the big game this weekend, let’s answer the real questions sports fans are curious about. Whether football, soccer, baseball, or hockey, nothing gets the blood pumping like good ol’ sports. Fans of all ages can relate to the euphoric feeling of game day, yet have any of us really …

Lonely on Valentine’s Day?

By Ashley Guidry If you’re living the single life and don’t have a partner to keep you company, expand your options! Spend Cupid’s holiday your way! According to the Census Bureau, about 50% of adults are single in the U.S. That’s about 126.9 million people who are unmarried. When Valentine’s Day rolls around most singles …